What Environmental Factors Can Affect Beer Brewing?

While it may feel like you have control over the beer brewing process, there are plenty of outside factors in play. And while there is always a risk of your brewing environment negatively affecting your beer, you can take steps to minimize this risk. In this article, we’ll look at what environmental factors can affect beer brewing and how to prevent their influence in the future.

Ambient Temperatures

Fermentation is a crucial step in brewing beer, but to make the fermentation process effective, temperature control is key. Yeast will only begin the fermentation process at certain temperatures, and the ideal range is 90–95 degrees Fahrenheit. Most fermenters allow for precise temperature control, but ensuring the environment doesn’t become too hot or too cold can make it easier for your equipment to maintain the ideal temperature for longer periods.

Material Storage Conditions

Outside of the actual brewing process, a significant environmental factor that can affect your beer is where you store your raw materials. Re-pitched yeast needs to be kept at very specific temperatures and not exposed to the air. Yeast brinks are an excellent solution for this. Other materials, such as grain and hops, also need a storage place that isn’t exposed to heavy sunlight or extreme temperatures.

Lack of Sanitation

Proper sanitation is key to a good brewing operation. If you don’t sanitize your equipment correctly, you run the risk of ruining every batch of beer you make. The brewing process leaves behind residue and other materials that become contaminants for whatever you put in the equipment next. Cleaning regularly and correctly creates a stable environment for beer to develop its best flavors.

Outside Contamination

Accidental exposure to the outside air during fermentation can introduce all kinds of contaminants, including wild yeast, that can completely throw off the fermentation process. Keep outside contaminants from sneaking in by ensuring your fermentation tanks are totally sealed.

In addition to controlling these environmental factors, your equipment plays an important role in your brewing success, so you can’t afford to cut any corners. The stainless steel brewing equipment you’ll find here at Craftmaster Stainless is the perfect option for any brewer looking to perfect their process and product.

Craftmaster Stainless