Things To Consider When Choosing Your Brewery Equipment

Your brewery’s success has an almost direct correlation to the quality of your equipment. Your business will either float or sink based on the quality of your kegs, fermenters, and storage tanks. This means you shouldn’t make these purchases lightly. Not all brewery equipment is equally as reliable. We’ll give you a few things to consider when choosing your brewery equipment so that you don’t end up having to get replacements right away or wasting money on things you don’t need.

Equipment Quality

The quality of the materials that make up your brewery equipment has a massive impact on your long-term success as a brewer. Lower quality brewing equipment can ruin the taste and feel of your beer in ways that you wouldn’t expect just by looking at them. If you’re starting as a brewer, it may seem tempting to go for the more affordable option, but it will cost you more in the long run when you produce subpar products.


If you’re just at the beginning of your brewing journey, you may not need to go for the largest and most professional piece of equipment you can find right away. However, if you’re settled and ready to start expanding, investing in equipment that will last a long time is crucial to your business’ growth.

Available Floor Space

Your brewery can only fit so many pieces of equipment before it becomes impossible to navigate. You’ll find a lot of brewing equipment takes up space faster than you imagined. To ensure you don’t end up with an overcrowding issue, you must take careful measurements of your available space and the amount of space you want the equipment to encompass. You can’t fill your space with tanks wall-to-wall, as much as you may want to make that much beer at once.

Cleaning Process

All your equipment will need regular cleaning cycles to maintain sanitary brewing conditions and to ensure consistently good products. The labor required for cleaning these pieces is no joke, and it’s one of the more important things to consider when choosing your brewing equipment. High-quality equipment will usually be easier to clean and sanitize.

Financing Options

Price is a key concern when choosing your equipment, which is why you should explore your options. Buying the best equipment right away may not be possible, but financing these pieces could be a useful solution.

If you need the best commercial beer brewing equipment, Craftmaster Stainless has a wide selection of equipment for every step of the brewing process. Check out our offerings to find the piece that will help your brewery continue to grow.

Sarah Caples